One of the best ways to prevent youth injuries is to stay hydrated. Water is the best form of hydration for kids.
The reason why I did this blog post was partly because I was volunteering the entire weekend at the Indy Greek Fest and the Merciful Help Center Food Pantry. While I was standing around for some time, I also moved a lot. I kept thinking to myself about staying hydrated because it was so hot outside. I told myself to drink water even when I wasn't thirsty. One thing I knew was that if I waited until I had a headache or I was thirsty than I knew that I should have drank water sooner.
Here are a few reasons why your child needs to drink water:
Supports development and functioning
Helps blood flow and carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells
Balances body temperature
Aids in digestion
Improves mood, memory, and attention
For youth athletes it is especially important to drink water because they are active a lot of times during the week.
Youth Athletes
For youth athletes staying hydrated increases energy, improves movement and agility, aids in mental clarity, and has many other benefits.
How can staying hydrated help youth athletes reduce injury risk?
Dehydration contributes to muscle fatigue, which can increase the risk of injury; on the other hand, staying hydrated may reduce this risk. Additionally, as an athlete exercises their internal body temperature increases. In response, the body sweats so it doesn't overheat. Staying hydrated replaces the water that is lost in sweat and helps prevent cramps, heat exhaustion, and more.
How much water should a youth athlete drink?
The amount of water that you drink as a youth athlete depends on activity, intensity, environmental conditions, body size, and age. It is recommended that youth athletes less than 90 pounds should take 10 gulps of water every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise. For youth athletes over 90 pounds 20 gulps every 14 to 20 minutes is recommended. Athletes should drink plenty of water leading up to a practice, and after the practice/game drink 24 ounces for every pound of water lost during exercise.
Sports Drink?
If you are a youth athlete and you are wondering whether to drink water or a sports drink here are some tips:
Water: working out for an hour or less
Sports drink: exercise lasts longer than one hour, participating in an intense workout, playing/practicing in extreme environmental conditions, and for excessive sweating

All Youth: Signs of Dehydration:
Your child may be experiencing dehydration if they:
Feel thirsty
Feel dizzy or lightheaded
Are nauseous
Have a headache
Urine is dark yellow or brown
Have a dry tongue, lips, or throat
Dehydration Treatment:
If you are dehydrated as a youth athlete or your child is a youth athlete and is dehydrated it is necessary to drink more fluid immediately. There are also oral rehydration medicines such as Gastrolyte, HYDRAlyte, Pedialyte, and Repalyte.
Do NOT give your child any sugary drinks as this could make dehydration worse.
For more information: